Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Face Painting

Steve and I toured several embassies this Saturday.  The member countries of the European Union hosted open houses with lots of food, games, and pamphlets.  The German embassy even had face painters. 
Steve captured these "in the process of" photos.  It is so amazing how artists can break the images down, slowing adding different colors and levels until the whole image emerges.

Confession:  I love getting my face painted.  Think about it, you have someone completely focused on making you look better.
The weather was gorgeous and we were able to visit Germany, France, Sweden, Spain, Malta, Luxembourg and Latvia.  Not bad for one afternoon.


Tammy and Alvin said...

Hooray for Malta! (and hooray for Steve!) I don't know if you knew this already, but I served 9 months of my mission there! I love that place! They call it the "Hawaii" of Europe, or in other words, the beautiful place everyone wants to go for vacation.

Abs said...

So...Steve...when am I going to get the low down? As soon as this gets read? I hope so.

The butterflies look awesome. And I'm pretty sure that if you weren't LDS you would totally get a tattoo. :)

Steve Petersen said...

Hi abs,

So, I take it that people now know that I'm aware of this blog.

Well, I guess I'm here now.

FYI: The EU Embassy open houses were a lot of fun. It was amazing to see what different countries did. There was so much good food, music, dancing, and pamphlets. However, I had incredible company with Maria and her butterflies.

Yes, I'm trying to figure out what I want painted on my arm. Maria can't have all the fun. I would like something really masculine, and Maria seems like she'll do a good job of determining that.

Either way, nice to meet you abs.

Sarah said...

Ooooh that looks like so much fun! Those butterflies are pretty!

Maria said...

Tattoos are a whole other issue. I love body art, but here's the thing you body changes so much that I wouldn't want to get anything permanent. It reminds me of the Reader's Digest snippet that I read years ago. There was a nurse helping a mother give birth and she said "Love the whale tatttoo on your stomach." The mother replied, "It use to be a dolphin!"
For that reason alone, I will never get a tattoo! A henna tattoo on the other hand is very tempting...

Super Pi said...

Wow! Pretty! I'm so excited, and shamed that I haven't called you back. I'll do that tonight!