National Library Week is coming up in April. (12th-18th) We are going to have displays of the staffs' favorite books, movies and music. My director wants to hold a shameless popularity contest, where our patrons will vote for their favorite librarians. We are going to take pictures, like a Wanted Poster, and ham it up.
My problem is that I have to come up with a nickname. Something dangerous, and if possible library related. Any ideas? The best that I have right now is "Maria, the know it all" and "the dead seeker." Historic gangster nicknames include "Itchy Fingers," "Big Tuna," "Mike 'No Jokes' Hunt," and "the Executioner." HELP!
Madame Librarian Maria-n (from Music Man--not gangsta but the Madame part, sounds mysterious)
The Cataloger.
The Graveyard Dweller?
The Crypt Keeper?
The Graveyard Sender?
The Cemetary Haunter?
I'll keep thinking of some more. I'll ask our honorable gangster cousin, H-Dog Wendizzle for his suggestions when I see him later today.
I've found that a lot of popular gangster/mafia names involve body parts, such as 'baby face', 'lips', and, as you mentioned, 'itchy fingers'. A name like 'Seven Toes' Cutler would inspire curiosity, if not fear.
If you don't want to answer questions about your body parts, and want to keep the focus on your profession, you might try
'The Angry Archivist',
Maria 'Non-Fiction' Cutler, or our favorite,
'The Silencer' (in your picture you could have a finger to your lips).
Sounds fun. Good luck.
I know Rocky found a website where you put in your name and out comes your rap name. That might be helpful. But then again you might end up with a name like SS Nugget, that really makes zero sense.
Thanks for the good ideas!
I like "the silencer" that was suggested by someone else ... that is a great one! Or maybe you do something in another language like ... "el libro" or something like that. This sounds soo fun!
My boss chose to go with the Silencer and I am the Instigator.
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