Monday, June 14, 2010

Safe Places

I have been thinking about the importance of safe places recently. Places where you can be yourself without fear of reprisals. Places where you can hear the still small voice. And not the least safe places that you put your camera cords so that you won't lose them... Where can I find these places?


Tammy and Alvin said...

Near us! Move back to DC, please!!! Not too close to DC, as there are many unsafe places. We recommend Frederick. We'll keep you safe. :)

Unknown said...

The irony of safe is that safe for me might not be safe for you. Part of it is your personal comfort zone. I hope you find where you need to be. Sometimes having more choices is harder. When I went through my divorce. My safe place was my parents. Good luck finding your new safe place.

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

If you find the safe place you put your cord, will you please check for my other set of car keys?