Monday, February 13, 2012


 DMZ tour, early December.  I know, I really should download my camera more often...
 Looking from South Korea into the North.  Freezing cold and very windy, these soldiers only stand guard when the tour groups come.  They were very strict about where, when and how we could take pictures.
 "You can take pictures if you don't stand too close or touch the guards."  We were told over and over again not to make any hand gestures, including pointing, waving, birds or any other that we came up with where the North Koreans could see us.
But I did get this picture at an over look into North Korea.  The yellow line was the photo line, as in we couldn't walk up to the edge and take pictures. 

Image walking up to tall wall and just getting a glimpse over.  That was what this tour was like... just a glimpse into what North Korea was like and a brief snapshot of the history of the DMZ.  All the incidents that get glossed over in the sentence of your history class, "And there's been a cease fire ever since."


Tammy and Alvin said...

Awesome! Makes me think of a Sheri Dew talk I heard recently where she visited the DMZ as a college student.

Tammy and Alvin said...

oops - I wasn't finished with my last comment - I think it's called "Living on the Lord's Side of the Line" if you're interested.

AllisonK said...

Tammy, I was going to say the very same thing (unless this is of course Alvin) about Sister Dew's talk and I find it already in the comments.

It's a great talk.

I love seeing the glimpses of your world Maria. The last picture made me smile.