Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Picture's worth a thousand words

People always talk about the love of physical books, how nothing beats holding one in your hand.  I agree.  But I would also like to point out that the opposite can be equally enjoyable.  I loved rereading the legendary huge Wheel of Time on my Nook.  So much easier to carry than the 600+ page books.


Sarah said...

I totally understand. Especially moving so much makes me glad I have my library on my phone. Although, some day when I settle down there are books I will wish I had in real form.

Also, when someone asks what I'm reading, I can tell them it's Anna Karenina, and they never know it's really a book written for sixth graders.

Maria said...

So true! Traveling makes all the difference. I shipped my books to Korea, so I had to say goodbye to them for 3 months, while I took my Nook with me on the plane.

Anisha said...

Hi Maria. I found your blog through the Viewmont Blog page. I've been hooked on Korean Drama's and KPOP music lately and I'm very jealous of your travels. I hope you don't mind me stopping by and reading about your adventures.

Anisha Moser Bettwieser

P.S. I too love my kindle and wouldn't travel without it! Does the Nook offer a lighted case so you can read at night in bed. (The best!)