Laura's here for a visit before she heads over to Hong Kong. We have wasted no time pointing out on every map where she's going at the end of the month.

But Laura's pending missionary status hasn't stopped us from flirting with all the cute boys in uniform that we've met. What can I say? DC is a fabulous place to meet new people.

Laura and I went up to New York City for an overnight trip. Dan and Amy were kind enough to let us crash at their apartment. We did a session with Amy at the Manhattan temple, went to Mary Poppins and stocked up at the M&M store.

Wednesday was overcast. It was raining in the morning when we went down to see the Statue of Liberty. If you want to have the same experience we did, you should stand in the shower with the water turned to cold. Squint, the statue's there I promise.

I dragged Laura to the New York Public Library. She was horrified that I wanted to go the library on our trip but she was kind enough to humor me.

We had dinner in Chinatown before heading back to DC on the bus. This was the first meal that I have successful eaten entirely with chopsticks.

Later, back in DC... Laura and I spent the afternoon at the US Botanic Gardens. The smell was fabulous. I had fun practicing taking pictures. Here are some of my better ones! Feel free to comment on how beautiful they are.

I found this convenient "M" in the orchid showcase.

Touring is exhausting work.

The best part is that she doesn't leave until Monday! Three more days to play.
How wonderful to have this time together. It looks like you had a great adventure. Love all your photos. The huge letters are fantastic
I LOVE the botanic gardens! And NY, of course.
Looks like sooo much fun!! I love NYC!! And those pictures you took are very pretty :)
I can't believe that Laura leaves so soon. So exciting!! And your hair is getting so long...I love it! And I love you too!!!!!! :)
I love the botanic gardens too. Derrick and I spent a great summer afternoon there. And a light drizzle is the best way to see the statue of liberty.
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