I have meet some bold gentleman in my time, but none more so than this one. He walk up to me, all but sat in my lap and expected to share my sandwich with me. Absolutely no shame.

Or fear for that matter, until I pulled out my camera...

Even my sports setting shutter wasn't fast enough to capture him.

That is until I shared more than 1/4 of my sandwich. Who knew that squirrels have a soft spot, or at least of slow spot for chicken salad?

P.S. For all my ice cream buddies... Ben & Jerry's has a new flavor Chocolate Therapy that lives up to its name. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate cookie and chocolate pudding... my new favorite!
1 comment:
MARIA! I was just looking at the Viewmont blog list, and when I saw your name, I squealed!It's so fun to see all fo these photos and all that you are doing - you are TOTALLY on my list of people to blog stalk now (:
It's awesome to see you - here's my blog address if you want to stay in touch! Take care!
Stacy (Nichols) Hoeksel
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