Sunday, April 22, 2012


If you came to my house you would see that I have a large sticker chart on my fridge.  No there aren't any children in my household.  But I still find stickers extremely motivating.  
Besides the motivation of the sticker, I also promise myself rewards for completing a certain number.  It's like playing bingo by yourself.   I haven't made it this month... perhaps next month I can conquer enough of the "natural man" to earn the carrot in front of me.


Tammy and Alvin said...

My wife has tried making me a sticker chart. It is motivating in that Henry likes to ask me how I'm doing, so he can put stickers on for me. It helps, but it's still tough. If reaching your goals was easy, then you wouldn't need to set the goal in the first place. Good luck.

Abs said...

Please tell that that is a printable chart that you can email me!!!

Super Pi said...

I absolutely love your sticker chart. Mine is doing well this month. I love doing things for a sticker!