Sunday, March 2, 2008

Too cold to think...

This week has been brain-stoppingly cold.  Let me explain.  The weather is so cold that I find myself having the same conversation with myself as I walk the two blocks to work huddled in my coat and scarf trying to stay warm.
Maria: "I'm going to die... I'm freezing.  The wind makes this 100 times worse.  What am I doing out here?  Why would anyone be outside if they didn't have to be?"  At this point in my dull monologue, I round the corner and see these two men just sitting, talking and playing chess!  "Who plays chess outside in negative 5000 degree weather?  Are they crazy, they must be..." at this point in my rant I realize that these crazy men are actually statues that I have passed every single morning on my way to work for the past six months!
I usually spend the rest of the walk to work, shaking my head, that once again I forgot that they are statues.   How embarrassing to admit that part of my morning routine is a soap box rant against freezing cold, crazy statues.


tetonmark said...

Ah Maria, what a hoot!

tetonmark said...

By the way, this is Abs--it just looks like Mark. Appearances can be deceiving my friend...

Maria said...

It must be nice to be able to post as your alter-ego.

Kelley said...

Maria, I love you so much!

AllisonK said...

your post made me giggle! I hope you can warm up a bit this week!

Derrick said...

That is pretty funny. But really, stop being such a wuss. If two old men can stand it--statues or no--then you can certainly walk for two blocks. :)