Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cuidado Lambado

For all those computer travelers here are some of the big differences between Brazil and home:

Lombado: Speed bumps are bigger and more common in Sao Paulo. They are also common on the highways out of town because they are cheaper to install and maintain than a traffic light. Sometimes they are well marked but sometimes the paint has worn off. Just before you hit a hidden speed bump the driver usually yells "cuidado lambado!" which means "Careful of the speed bump!" This phrase is the one that I used the most and heard the most... Lombados are not to be confused with the potholes that are also very common in Brazil.

Toilet paper: Brazilians are convinced that their sewer pipes cannot handle toilet paper without clogging. This means that in all public restrooms they have the thinnest ply paper and a huge garbage can next to the throne for you to throw away your used toilet paper. Gross!

Fruit: They have the best fruit in Brazil. My favorite was the Cawki (spelling made up by me). It looks like a tomato, has the texture of an apple and tastes kind of like a nectarine. Fabulous! Not to mention all the limes, pineapples, starfruit and passion fruit.

Parking: When ever you enter a parking lot, there is a guard waiting to give you a token. Hang on to the token! Without it you can't prove that it is your car, and that you haven't just snuck onto the lot to steal it.

Pizza: It is always eaten with a fork and knife. And don't even think about snagging a second piece for yourself. The waiter will serve you the second piece just like he served the first.


Sarah said...

Ugh, China was the same way with toilet paper. You were lucky to even get some. So gross! But the rest sounds good. And your pics of the zoo are great.

Flying Princess said...

I will be right there with you missing the strangeness of Brazil in a few weeks. And yes, I am blogstalking you (and your math hero sister, shhh! don't tell her) but with your mom's permission.