Thursday, March 3, 2011

Apartment Hunting

Two different apartments in these pictures. Which do you like better?


Tammy and Alvin said...

the bottom, although I don't feel like I was comparing apples with apples.

K. Conklin said...

If the REST of the apartment is as cool, I'd also have to say the bottom one.

AllisonK said...

I love the windows and the light of the first, but the lovely design in the second is nice as well. What other features do they have?

I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories.

Sally Fickle said...

They both look cool, but when it comes to living, I love windows. Especially since your next door neighbors aren't right there. (It's always awkward when you can watch their TV). So I am all for windows. But I would ask how cold it gets in the winter time...but natural light is my favorite. The other apartment has an awesome design, but does it have windows? How high is it? (I love living up high!)

That's my input! Love ya!